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Smoky Mountains chords by Smith Conner

Smith Conner Chords

G*        F*          C*    G*
Sing me a song of the Smoky Mountains
    G*      F*          D*
And I'll be home by the sun
G*         F*               C*        G*
Get up and dance, while the fiddle is shoutin'
       G*          F*             C*
'Cause darlin', my work is almost done
I need to get back where the corn don't grow
Where the mockbird fly when the sun sets through
       C                               G
It's a simple life, but the only way I know
Where the hound dogs chase them squirrels around
All up a tree, chill shoots them down
        C                                      G
And the moonshine still still sits behind that rope
Yeah baby, I know you get real tired of me
Livin' this life in these tent ties
     C                                    G
Even though you know these songs are all about you
And I don't give a damn do whatever it takes
To get back to you, see your face
       C                                G
As the bus breaks down, hell, I'll just start runnin'
G         F           C     G
Sing me a song of the Smoky Mountains
            F           D
And I'll be home by the sun
G          F                C         G
Get up and dance, while the fiddle is shoutin'
                   F              C
'Cause darlin', my work is almost done
Yeah, my work's almost done
[Guitar & Fiddle Solos]
F  C  G    F  C  G
G          F      C  G
Baby, wait up for me
           F      C  G
Baby, wait up for me
I know it's been too long
          C                    G
Yeah, but darlin', don't fall asleep
              F      C
So baby, wait up for me

How to play "Smoky Mountains" by Smith Conner on guitar

- Chords: G*, F*, C*, D*
- Strumming: Use a gentle down-up pattern to start.
- Feel: Play softly to capture the reflective mood of the chorus.

- Chords: G, F, C
- Transition Tips:
  - Move from G to F by shifting your index finger to the 1st fret on the E string.
  - From F to C, move your ring and middle fingers up one string each.
  - Practice these transitions slowly to ensure smooth changes.
- Strumming: Use a consistent down-up pattern, but vary the intensity to match the lyrics.

[Guitar & Fiddle Solos]
- Chords: F, C, G
- Strumming: Follow the same pattern as in the verse, but with more emphasis
to highlight the solo sections.
- Focus: Maintain rhythm and listen to the recording to capture the solo's feel.

- Chords: G, F, C
- Strumming: Gradually soften the strumming as the song closes.
- Feel: Reflect the song's longing and anticipation.

[General Tips]
- Tuning: Standard tuning (EADGBE).
- Tone: Use a clean setting on your amp to keep the sound clear and resonant.
- Practice: Start with slow transitions, then gradually increase speed as you get comfortable.

[Common Mistakes]
- Inconsistent strumming: Keep a steady rhythm, even during transitions.
- Hard transitions: Practice chord changes slowly to ensure smooth and clean shifts.
- Dynamics: Pay attention to the song's emotional cues, varying strumming intensity accordingly.

Song Facts:
"Smoky Mountains" by Smith Conner is a nostalgic tune that reminisces about the simplicity 
and beauty of life in the Smoky Mountains. The lyrics express a longing to return to 
a place of comfort and familiarity. Conner's heartfelt delivery and the song's vivid 
imagery make it a poignant anthem for anyone who misses home.

Artist Biography:
Smith Conner is an emerging country artist known for his soulful lyrics and engaging 
melodies. His music often explores themes of love, home, and personal reflection, 
resonating deeply with audiences. Conner's genuine storytelling and emotional depth 
have garnered him a dedicated following and critical acclaim in the country music scene.            

Smith Conner ChordsSmith Conner Lyrics

Smith Conner Chords List

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