Cape Forestier chords - Angus & Julia Stone Chords

Cape Forestier chords

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 |N.C.    D
 (Drums) (Drums & Lead Guitar)
|G      |Bm  Bbm|Am     |Am7    |
(Lead guitar)
|G      |Bm  Bbm|Am     |Am7    |
[Verse 1] 0:27
G               Bm   Bbm
  Start for the sea
Am                       Am7
  I won't see you leave
G                         Bm   Bbm
Yeah, with Southport from sight
  Mmm Go to the rising light
G                 Bm             Bbm   Am             Am7
Oh, Moving for tomorrow's shore (shore) ah-hhhh G Bm Bbm Am Mmm, Ahead of what we're looking for (looking for) Am (Tell me, tell me) [Chorus] 1:11 G Bm Hey, Cape Forestier C C Where do we go from here, my dear? (Tell me now) G Bm Hey, Cape Forestier C C Am7 Where do we go from here? [Verse 2] 1:31 G Bm Bbm Am Ohh Son of the sea Am Am7 Where will we be? G Bm Son of a gun Bm Bbm Am Am7 He said mmm "Go to the rising sun" G Bm Bbm Am Am7 C/D Sleeping underneath the stars (The stars.. Ahhhh Mm-mmmm) G Bm Bbm7 Am7 Happy to be right where we are Am7 C/D (Tell me, tell me) [Chorus] 2:17 G Bm Hey, Cape Forestier C Where do we go from here, my dear? (Tell me) G Bm Hey, Cape Forestier C Where do we go from here? C Am7 (Tell me now, tell me) [Chorus] 2:39 G Bm Cape Forestier C Where do we go from here, my dear? C G Bm Cape Forestier ( Cape Forestier} C C* Where do we go from, where do we go from here? (C/E) (Tell me now) [Instrumental] 3:01 |G |Bm Bbm |Am |Am7 | Tell me now |G |Bm Bbm Am Am7 D7 Tell me where do [Outro] 3:22 G Bm Cape Forestier Bm Bbm Am Am7 Where do we go? Tell me now |G |Bm Bbm |Am |Am7 | G* Tell me now How to play "Cape Forestier" by Angus & Julia Stone on guitar [Intro] - No chords initially, focus on the lead guitar part and the percussive rhythm. - When the chords come in: - Chords: G, Bm, Bbm, Am, Am7 - Strumming: Use light downstrokes to match the soft, introspective feel. [Verse 1] - Chords: G, Bm, Bbm, Am, Am7 - Playing Style: Alternate between G, Bm, Bbm, Am, and Am7. Keep transitions smooth and fluid. - Nuance: Emphasize the bass note of each chord, especially on the G chord to ground the melody. [Chorus] - Chords: G, Bm, C, Am7 - Strumming: Use a steady down-up strumming pattern. Emphasize downstrokes on the G chord. - Transitions: Practice smooth shifts from G to Bm and then to C and Am7 for a seamless chorus. [Verse 2] - Chords: G, Bm, Bbm, Am, Am7, C/D - Playing Style: Similar to the first verse, maintain the rhythm and feel. - Nuance: Add slight palm muting for dynamic variation, especially during quieter parts. [Chorus] - Repeat the same chords and strumming pattern as the first chorus. - Focus on consistent energy and smooth transitions. [Instrumental] - Chords: G, Bm, Bbm, Am, Am7, D7 - Playing Style: Maintain the rhythm established in the previous sections. - Nuance: Add slight embellishments like hammer-ons or pull-offs for variation. [Outro] - Chords: G, Bm, Bbm, Am, Am7 - Strumming: Gradually soften the strumming to end the song smoothly. - Nuance: Focus on ending with a clear and resolved sound. [Common mistakes] - Ensure smooth transitions between chords to maintain the song's flow. - Pay attention to the Bbm chord, as it might be challenging for beginners. - Avoid rushing the strumming pattern; keep it steady and consistent. Song facts: "Cape Forestier" by Angus & Julia Stone is a dreamy, reflective song that explores themes of longing and introspection. The lyrics evoke a sense of journey and searching for direction, with the title referencing a specific location that symbolizes a place of contemplation and peace. Artist bio: Angus & Julia Stone are an Australian brother-sister duo known for their melancholic and folk-inspired music. Their harmonies and evocative lyrics have garnered them a dedicated following, and they are celebrated for their ability to capture deep emotions in their songs.

Angus & Julia Stone Chords & Tabs List