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Tiny Wooden Box chords by Dead South

Dead South Chords

Em     Em
Huuuuuuuh huh huh huh huh
 Em                                   G   G   Em
Huuuuuuuh huh huh huh huh huh huh huh ah
  Got a call today, to see if I want to pay
                                              G     G
To bring my body home, if things ever did go wrong
  Wouldn't mind to pay, to bring my body to lay
Em                                     G    G   D
In a place I do, in a place I do call home
                 Em        D
In a tiny wooden box, yeah
In a tiny wooden box
C      D                  G
I was going around those days
Thinking everything was so damn good
    D            G
So why'd it go away
 C           D            G
For all the ones who are gone
We've been missing you
These feelings are
D        G
So damn strong
C      D                  G
I was going around those days
Thinking everything
Thinking everything
         Em    Em
Would be ok
Huuuuuuuh huh huh huh huh
 Em                                    G   G
Huuuuuuuh huh huh huh huh huh huh huh ah
  What a time of year
It's very pleasant here
All the names I know
                       G   G
How the faces do grow old
  All the hurting here
Each and every year
How we want it to
We want it to
                  G   G   D
We want it to be gone
                       Em      D
So I'll write another song yeah
I'll write another song
C      D                  G
I was going around those days
Thinking everything was so damn good
    D            G
So why'd it go away
 C           D            G
For all the ones who are gone
We've been missing you
These feelings are
D        G
So damn strong
C      D                  G
I was going around those days
Thinking everything
Thinking everything
      D  Em     Em    Em    Em    Em
Would be ok    ///   ///   ///   ///
If time heals everything ///
If time heals everything ///
If time heals everything ///
      G      G   Em
Then why do I
If time heals everything ///
If time heals everything ///
If time heals everything
      G      G  D
Then why do I
Still feel this pain
Still feel this pain
C      D                  G
I was going around those days
Thinking everything was so damn good
    D            G
So why'd it go away
 C           D            G
For all the ones who are gone
We've been missing you
These memories are
 D      G
Holding on
C      D                  G
I was going around those days
C      D                  G
I was going around those days
C      D                  G
I was going around those days
Thinking everything
Thinking everything
      D  Em
Would be ok

How to Play:
"Tiny Wooden Box" by The Dead South presents a melancholic and reflective narrative,
conveyed through its haunting melody and chord progressions. This song, centered
around themes of loss and remembrance, offers a beautiful opportunity for guitarists
to explore emotional expression through music. Here’s how you can approach playing
this song on the guitar:

Chords Used:
Intro and Verses:
The song starts and revolves around the Em chord, setting a somber tone right
from the beginning. The intro and verses use a minimalistic approach, primarily
focusing on the Em chord, with occasional transitions to G and D, which adds depth
and emotion to the narrative being told.

The chorus introduces a shift in energy with the progression C, D, G, adding a layer
of complexity and emotional intensity. This part reflects on the past with a sense of
nostalgia and regret, a common theme throughout the song.

Break Section:
The break section emphasizes the phrase "If time heals everything" over an Em chord,
leading to a powerful moment with G and D chords. This part of the song offers a reflective
pause, inviting listeners (and players) to ponder the song's deeper meanings.

Playing Tips:
Strumming Pattern: The song’s reflective nature calls for a more subdued strumming pattern.
A simple downstroke pattern on the beat or a soft down-up strumming can effectively convey
the song's emotional weight.

Emotional Expression: Dynamics play a crucial role in this song. Play softer during the verses
to highlight the lyrics' introspective nature, and gradually build intensity during the chorus to
bring out the emotional crescendo.

Transitioning Between Chords: Smooth transitions between chords, especially in the chorus
where the progression moves more quickly, are key to maintaining the song's flow.
Practice moving between C, D, and G, as well as integrating the Am chord smoothly
within the progression.

Vocal Emphasis: If you’re singing along, pay attention to how the guitar playing
complements the vocal line. The haunting "Huuuuuuuh" parts are especially
poignant and should be supported by subdued guitar playing that doesn’t overpower
the vocals.            

Dead South ChordsDead South Lyrics

Dead South Chords List

Buy Dead South CD
Dead South

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  5. Father John Chords
  6. Son Of Ambrose Chords
  7. The Cured Contessa Chords
  8. Tiny Wooden Box Chords
  9. Yours To Keep Chords

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