Hello Stranger chords - Waldon Kelsey Chords

Hello Stranger chords

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            [Verse 1]
D*      D*
  Hello stranger, put your loving hand in mine
      G                                 D
Hello stranger, put your loving hand in mine
        A                              D
You are a stranger and you're a pal of mine
[Verse 2]
Get up, rounder, let a working girl lay down
        G                               D
Get up, rounder, let a working girl lay down
        A                                D   C G D
You are a rounder and you're all out and down
[Verse 3]
C  G     D
Oh every time I ride the six and fourth street car
      G                                     D
Every time I ride the six and fourth street car
             A                        D
I can see my baby peeping through the bars
[Verse 4] D Well, he bowed his head and he waved both hands at me G D He bowed his little head oh and he waved both hands at me A D C G D I’m prison bound and longing to be free [Verse 5] C G D Oh, I'll see you when your troubles are like mine G D I'll see you when your troubles are like mine A D Oh, I'll see you when you haven't got a dime [Verse 6] D Weeping like a willow and moaning like a dove G D Weeping like a willow oh and moaning like a dove A D There's a man up country that I really love [Guitar Solo] C G D C G D G D C G D A D C G D [Verse 7] C D* Well, hello stranger, put your loving hand in mine G* D* Hello stranger, put your loving hand in mine A* D* You are a stranger and you're a pal of mine [Outro] D C G D C G D A D C G D C D C G D X How to play "Hello Stranger" on guitar [Verse 1] - Chords: D*, G, A, D. - Strum pattern: Use a down-down-up-down-up pattern for a steady rhythm. - Emphasize the D chord, ensuring each note rings out clearly. - Smoothly transition between G and A. [Verse 2] - Chords: D, G, A, D, C, G. - Maintain the same strumming pattern. - Highlight the transition from D to C and G for dynamic effect. - Play G softly to create a contrast with D and A. [Verse 3] - Chords: C, G, D, G, A, D. - Use a gentle down-up-down-up pattern to complement the lyrics. - Emphasize the C and G chords for the verse’s unique feel. - Ensure smooth transitions between chords. [Verse 4] - Chords: D, G, D, A, D, C, G. - Keep the same strumming pattern. - Highlight the lyrical shifts with dynamic strumming. - Play G with emphasis to enhance the verse's emotional tone. [Verse 5] - Chords: C, G, D, G, A, D. - Use a gentle strumming pattern to reflect the lyrics. - Smooth transitions between C and G, emphasizing the lyrical content. [Verse 6] - Chords: D, G, D, A, D. - Maintain a consistent strumming pattern. - Emphasize the D chord to convey the emotional depth of the verse. [Guitar Solo] - Chords: C, G, D, C, G, D, G, D, C, G, D, A, D, C, G, D. - Follow the same strumming pattern as the verses. - Play with slight variations to add interest and dynamics. [Verse 7] - Chords: C, D*, G*, A*, D*. - Strum softly to reflect the closing lyrics. - Emphasize the D* chord to conclude the verse with emotion. [Outro] - Chords: D, C, G, D, C, G, D, A, D, C, G, D, C, D, C, G, D. - Slow down the strumming towards the end for a gentle finish. - Let the final D chord ring out to conclude the song. [General Tips:] - Tuning: Ensure your guitar is in standard tuning. - Tone: Use a clean or slightly warm tone to match the song’s feel. - Practice: Focus on smooth chord transitions and maintaining consistent strumming patterns. [Common mistakes] - Rushing through chord changes, especially between D and C. - Not emphasizing the G chord enough in the verses. - Inconsistent strumming patterns, particularly during the solo and outro. Song Facts: "Hello Stranger" by Kelsey Waldon is a heartfelt song that delves into themes of love, longing, and connection. The lyrics reflect the singer's emotions as they navigate through relationships and life’s challenges. Kelsey Waldon, known for her authentic country sound and evocative storytelling, captures the essence of traditional country music while infusing it with her unique style and perspective.

Waldon Kelsey Chords & Tabs List