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Burns Out At Midnight chords by Waxahatchee

Waxahatchee Chords

B  E  x6
[Verse 1]
B                    E
  I got something to hold back
B               E
  If I put up a fight, it'll follow me home
B                          E
  I think I might stay out dancing
      B                      E
If my blood runs cold with a heart of stone
       B                 E
And my fire burns out at midnight
B  E
[Verse 2]
B                 E
  I get home from working hard, honey
B                   E
  State the obvious and watch it work its way in
B                      E
  We been checked out, chasing the money
B                      E                           B
  And I been trying to tell 'em it ain't no way to live
E  B  E
F#               E                       B
   We go another round, I got nothing to say
It don't make a difference
F#                     E                         B
   Might be good on my own, but I ain't running away
I wanna chase it to the end
        F#        E
When I'm seeing a vision
B  E  x2
[Verse 3]
B                   E
  If we take it way too far
B                      E
  I could stay here forever if I let myself
B                     E
  Picking dust off my bright star
      B                        E
If my heart of stone weighs on you heavy, babe
             B                    E
Just hit the lights and call it a night
B  E
[Verse 4]
B                 E
  I got reason to believe
B                       E
  This old house gave me revelation
 B                   E
I wasn't prepared to receive
    B                    E
And you been called upon for the duration
         B                    E
You're a wrangler keeping the pace
B             E
  Hunting for open space
B  E  x2
F#                      E
   We might get tangled up, I got nothing to say
B                 E
  It don't make a difference
F#                     E
   I might turn up the heat, it's getting late
       B                 E        B  E
And my fire burns out at midnight
   B              E
My fire burns out at midnight
B  E  x5

How to play "Burns Out At Midnight" by Waxahatchee on the guitar is a journey
through a rich tapestry of chords that blend the raw energy and contemplative
lyrics into a captivating musical narrative. This song, with its mix of major
chords and shifts in dynamics, offers an engaging playing experience for
guitarists looking to delve into songs that tell a story both lyrically and harmonically.

Getting Started:
First, ensure your guitar is tuned to standard tuning. The song begins with an
intro that alternates between B and E chords, setting a reflective yet
anticipatory tone for the verses to follow.

Intro and Verses:
The intro and verses share the same chord progression, oscillating between
B and E. This progression lays the groundwork for the song's narrative, with
each chord change acting as a stepping stone for the lyrics' emotional journey.

Strumming Pattern: A steady rhythm with a mix of down and upstrokes can
effectively convey the song's underlying pulse. Pay attention to the dynamics,
playing softer during more introspective lines and building intensity as
the song progresses towards the chorus.

Verse 1:
The opening verse introduces the listener to the song's thematic elements,
with the chords B and E supporting the lyrical exploration of holding back
and the potential for change. The repetition of these chords emphasizes
the cyclical nature of the emotions being expressed.

The chorus introduces a shift with the addition of the F# chord, creating a contrast
to the verses and highlighting the song's emotional climax. The progression
F# - E - B lends a sense of resolution and defiance, with the lyrics contemplating
the push and pull of connection and independence.

Emotional Expression:
The transition to the F# chord in the chorus is a critical
moment in the song, offering a lift that counters the introspection of the verses.
Let this chord ring out, emphasizing the sense of determination in the lyrics.

Verse 3 and 4:
As the song moves through the later verses, continue to maintain the dynamic
interplay between the B and E chords. These sections delve deeper into
the narrative, with the guitar accompaniment providing a steady backdrop
for the evolving story.

Concluding Chorus and Outro:
The song concludes with a repetition of the chorus and an extended outro,
revisiting the B and E chord progression. This serves to underscore the song's
themes, allowing the message to resonate as the music fades.

Playing Tips:
- Dynamics: Play with the dynamics throughout the song, using softer strumming
for reflective sections and increasing intensity for the chorus and emotional peaks.
- Feel the Music: Engage with the lyrics and mood of the song. Your connection to
the music will inform your strumming pattern, dynamics, and overall interpretation.
- Practice: Focus on clean chord transitions and maintaining a steady rhythm.
The emotional impact of the song comes through in its simplicity and earnestness.            

Waxahatchee ChordsWaxahatchee Lyrics

Waxahatchee Chords List

Buy Waxahatchee CD

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