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Why Johnny chords by Moroney Megan

Moroney Megan Chords

| C    Cmaj7  | C7sus2  | F  | F  |
[Verse 1]
C           Cmaj7                C            Cmaj7
 Hey, if I could I'd sit you down buy you a drink and ask you how
 You got a cowboy ridin' to slow on down and walk the line and
C           Cmaj7                 C          Cmaj7
 I'd wanna hear it from the start, how many times did he break your heart?
 From what I'm readin', why didn't you leave him
         C                 Cmaj7
When he came home late on booze and pills
 C7sus2                           F
Lyin' through that perfume smell comin' off his shirt?
What made you wanna make it work?
        C                 Cmaj7         C7sus2
Did you always know he'd come around, change his ways and settle down?
Did your friends call you crazy too?
      F                                  C       Cmaj7    C7sus2    F
It'd sure help if I knew, hey June, why Johnny?
[Verse 2]
 C                 Cmaj7            C             Cmaj7
Did you know deep down inside your bones he'd be yours and yours alone?
 Or were you just hoping? And how did you keep hoping?
    C               Cmaj7       C                  Cmaj7
I think I've got a Johnny of my own, but will he change? Hell if I know
 Yes, I'm just hoping, but how do I keep hoping
         C                 Cmaj7
When he came home late on booze and pills
 C7sus2                           F
Lyin' through that perfume smell comin' off his shirt?
What made you wanna make it work?
        C                 Cmaj7         C7sus2
Did you always know he'd come around, change his ways and settle down?
Did your friends call you crazy too?
      F                                  C        Cmaj7    C7sus2    F
It'd sure help if I knew, hey June, why Johnny?
     C               Cmaj7
Why Johnny? And how June
         C7sus2                         F
Did you make him realize it was always you?
Did you ever wanna find somebody new?
         C                 Cmaj7
When he came home late on booze and pills
 C7sus2                           F
Lyin' through that perfume smell comin' off his shirt?
What made you wanna make it work?
        C                 Cmaj7         C7sus2
Did you always know he'd come around, change his ways and settle down?
Did your friends call you crazy too? Bet you could've had anyone you wanted to
                    C        Cmaj7    C7sus2    F
So, hey, June, why Johnny?
Why Johnny? How, June?

How to play "Why Johnny" on guitar

[Intro and Verse Chord Progression]
- The intro and verses use a chord progression of C, Cmaj7, C7sus2, F. 
  Begin with gentle strumming to match the reflective and inquisitive 
  tone of the lyrics.
- The transition from C to Cmaj7 to C7sus2 adds a smooth, flowing feel, 
  leading into the more stable F chord.

[Chorus Dynamics]
- In the chorus, continue with C, Cmaj7, but the introduction of C7sus2 
  before moving to F adds a subtle tension, reflecting the emotional 
  content of the lyrics.
- Increase the intensity of your strumming here to highlight the 
  emotional questioning and the urgency in the narrative.

[Bridge Technique]
- The bridge reduces the progression complexity, focusing on asking 
  direct questions. Maintain a softer strumming pattern here to 
  emphasize the introspective lyrics.
- Use the dynamics of your strumming to draw attention to the key 
  lyrical questions about June’s decisions and feelings.

- For the outro, return to the simplicity of the intro, reducing 
  strumming intensity for a thoughtful and unresolved ending.
- Let the final chord linger, mirroring the unresolved questions 
  posed throughout the song.

Common mistakes:
- Not varying strumming dynamics between the verse, chorus, and bridge. 
  Adjust your strumming to match the lyrical and emotional shifts.
- Overlooking the emotional impact of the chord changes, especially the 
  transition to C7sus2. Practice these transitions to ensure they are 
  smooth and enhance the song’s reflective mood.

Song Facts and Artist Bio:
"Why Johnny" by Megan Moroney is a poignant song that explores the 
complex emotions and questions surrounding a troubled relationship, 
drawing parallels with the iconic figures of Johnny Cash and June 
Carter. The song's thoughtful lyrics question the reasons behind 
staying in a challenging relationship, using a conversational style 
that connects deeply with listeners. Megan Moroney's style combines 
modern country music storytelling with traditional influences, 
creating songs that are both relatable and deeply personal.            

Moroney Megan ChordsMoroney Megan Lyrics

Moroney Megan Chords List

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